


Our Project aimed to provide solutions to this challenge Andalusian companies is facing today: to achieve optimum levels of sustainability and responsibility, helping to ensure that decisions and management are taken in an environmentally conscious manner. In short, the aim is to reconcile Andalusian companies with their environment.

To achieve this objective, it is necessary to offer appropriate tools to both large companies and SMEs, so that they can become aware of these issues and learn to supervise their operation and management, making them more sustainable. To this end, within the proposals for sustainable corporate governance that we have designed, we propose the creation of the "Observatory on the social commitment of Andalusian companies to their environment and stakeholders" (General Objective).

The knowledge management carried out through this observatory will be translated into a main action, which is the preparation of a Guide of good practices in the field of corporate sustainability accessible to public and private entities.

Más información: https://andaluciasostenible.es/
