
Slow fashion in Portugal: an exploratory approach

Slow fashion in Portugal: an exploratory approach

A dissertation developed at the University of Aveiro, Portugal, aimed to understand the consumer’s knowledge about slow fashion, the environmental problems in apparel industry, the motivations and choices when buying apparel, and the associations about sustainable clothing and slow fashion. Facing the scarce information mainly about the relation between slow fashion and consumer, the investigation used qualitative and quantitative methodology to collect data through a questionnaire survey. It was possible to conclude that consumers do not have enough knowledge about environmental problems and about slow fashion. The main factor of choice when buying clothes is the price or price-quality, and associations of the slow fashion apparel are mainly related with environmental clothes.

The full paper is available at: http://hdl.handle.net/10773/26828.

Reference: Gomes, Yelizaveta Maznyeva. (2019). Slow fashion em Portugal: uma abordagem exploratória. Dissertação de Mestrado em Gestão, Universidade de Aveiro. https://ria.ua.pt/handle/10773/26828.
