
Consumption survey under the CARE project: your contribution matters

Consumption survey under the CARE project: your contribution matters

The Online Journal of the University of Aveiro (UA) discloses a survey on consumption habits, launched within the scope of the CARE project, an ERASMUS+ project in which the UA participates under the coordination of professor and researcher Margarida M. Pinheiro. Are you a Responsible Consumer? Help an international team of researchers understand how we consume and to what extent consumption in our society is conscious and responsible in social, cultural, and environmental terms. See all the news at https://www.ua.pt/pt/noticias/9/81098 and participate in this international study by filling out the questionnaire available at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeEgsZxNheFYX5xWLpUoXONcrDLHGJWaJpNoTiI_sctKpNPkw/viewform
